Opinion: Feminists overreach with Equal Pay Day
Teaser: April 14 is feminists’ misconceived Equal Pay Day.That’s the day of the year, they say, when all women’s wages, allegedly only 78% of all men’s, “catch up” to what men have earned the year...
View ArticleOccupational Licensing Laws Hurt New Graduates
Teaser: Occupational licensing, the requirement that people pass tests to gain government permission to work, is making it harder for young people to begin their careers. By keeping young people out of...
View ArticleThe Young Lose From a Higher Minimum Wage
Teaser: Over half of those who earn at or below the minimum wage are between the ages of 16 and 24, many in the hospitality and leisure sector. Since the majority of those earning minimum wage are...
View ArticleMillennials Can't Afford to Ignore Washington
Teaser: Tens of Millions Americans between the ages of 18 and 30, commonly known as Millennials, are about to enter the workforce. However, Washington has ensured that their economic situation for the...
View ArticleOld Money: How the Fed’s Actions Harm Millennials
Teaser: In monetary policy, Washington is playing favorites and the young are the losers. They do not benefit from the decline in mortgage rates because they cannot afford home ownership. While some...
View ArticleTestimony on Raising the Minimum Wage for Fast-Food Workers
Teaser: An increase in the fast food minimum wage to $15 an hour, as the Wage Board is considering, represents an increase of 66 percent. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, labor costs...
View ArticleMillennials and the GOP
Teaser: Millennials want elected leaders without social agendas who will stand up to older, entrenched interests and fight to restore economic opportunity to their generation. The political party that...
View ArticleThe Federal Minimum Wage Is Killing Puerto Rico's Economy
Teaser: Federal labor policy is making vast numbers of Puerto Ricans unemployable.Governor Alejandro García Padilla of Puerto Rico announced last week that the U.S. territory would not be able to pay...
View ArticleGood News on Internships From the Second Circuit
Teaser: With high youth unemployment and declining labor force participation, young people need internships for work experience.On the same day that the Labor Department released depressing employment...
View ArticleWhat Lower Labor Force Participation Rates Tell Us About Work Opportunities...
Teaser: It is my belief that much of what we think we know about living standards, economic insecurity, and the state of the economy is incorrect, based on a mistaken read of the available data. Our...
View ArticleGeneration Y needs an Office for Inter-Generational Responsibility
Teaser: Generation Y, or those born between 1980 and 2000, has inherited a great deal of financial hardship. Concerning trends in unemployment, student-loan debt, and home ownership will possibly spur...
View ArticleWant to Increase Income Inequality? Raise the Minimum Wage
Teaser: Many Americans are worried about a perceived increase in income inequality and a decline in the quintessentially American dream of working hard to get ahead and enjoy a middle-class lifestyle....
View ArticleWorkers Don't Do Better In Unions
Teaser: Just in time for Labor Day, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez is resurrecting the old canard that workers do better in unions. His latest blog post uses misleading data to suggest that if workers...
View ArticleWhy Should the Fed Raise Rates While Inflation Is Below Two Percent?
Teaser: Looking back to 2010 reminds us that monetary policy decisions must always be made under uncertainty, and that risks are always present.Unemployment has fallen to 5.1 percent, much closer to...
View ArticleSo Many Job Openings, Why So Few Candidates?
Teaser: Both the high level of job openings and the current 5.1 percent unemployment rate appear to overstate the tightness of the labor market."Job Openings in U.S. Surge to Record While Hiring Cools"...
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